00:00 - 00:48 …… Video Introduction Titles 00:49 - 02:16 …… UCLP recap – the failed diet plan 02:17 - 02:52 …… OMG, Childhood memories due to past diets that fail and causes depression and stress 02:53 - 03:29 …… A person’s maximum weight based on their current lifestyle and genetics 03:30 - 03:47 …… PowerPlan weight gain did not impact blood cultures, all the levels remained at a healthy level 03:48 - 04:40 …… Excessive weight with lack of exercise does trigger diabetes type 2 04:41 - 05:10 …… The peak of weight and because of my diabetes type 2 05:11 - 06:25 …… How to obtain prescribed weight loss tablets avoiding expansive brands! 06:26 - 08:24 …… My diabetes type 2 diagnosis, avoidance of medication, this PowerPlan to the rescue 08:25 - 10:18 …… The PowerPlan weight-reduction plan resulting in the naughty and proper weeks 10:19 - 10:50 …… What if the PowerPlan didn’t exist? 10:51 - End …… Final Credits