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U.C.L.P. Part 1 - What Is U.C.L.P?
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My Attempt And Thoughts of Commercial Diets with Genuine Results

The U.C.L.P (Ultimate Cholesterol Lowering Plan) Diet

Part 1 - What Is U.C.L.P?   What Does Document “The U.C.L.P. At A Glance” Mean That Is Being Given Out by the NHS?

What is UCLP? 

A good question as I was initially given the impression that it was a new title for the medical condition where a person is suffering from raised cholesterol allowing the doctors surgery to use simplistic language.  The normal terminology would include terms like lipid disorder, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolaemia or familial hypercholesterolaemia.

During the research, I discovered that U.C.L.P. is actually a two-step diet plan, now 3, in 2021.  You prepare to make life adjustments to suit the diet plan followed by adjusting your daily food intake mainly using food substitutions.  This food adjustment claims to allow you to lose weight but, and more importantly, reduce your overall cholesterol levels while improving your good cholesterol  or H.D.L.

Video Timestamps

00:00 – 00:25………Video Introduction Titles
00:26 - 00:53………introduction of the U.C.L.P leaflet from the doctor’s surgery
00:54 - 01:25………falsely determined that U.C.L.P is a new condition
01:25 – 02:50………Personal cholesterol overview at the doctors due to familial hypercholesterolaemia.
02:51 - 03:03………What is bad LDL and how it is increased.
03:04 - 04:00………What is good HDL and how it is increased.
04:01 - 05:25………The measure of Triglyceride, or trigs, that is now checking LDL and HDL rather than diabetes?
05:26 - 07:20………Research to find out who is U.C.L.P and where it came from, private or government funding?
07:21 - 08:17………Reach out to U.C.L.P to find out this not a condition but just simply a unclear diet plan!
08:18 - 09:00………Looking at Step 1 of the factsheet in detail that caused even more confusions
09:01 - 09:37………My frustration rant about doctors negativity for DB2 and confusion over U.C.L.P!
09:38 - 10:35………Reach out to U.C.L.P to clarify the plan and target results – more ranting!
10:36 - 11:10………U.C.L.P Feedback after they phoned me back 35 minutes later
11:11 - 13:10………Step 2 food types on U.C.L.P that you substitute loaded with saturated fats??
13:11 - 13:55………U.C.L.P good when scared by the doctors based on mortality rates
13:56 - 14:45………Continued review of high saturated and trans fats – seems to be simply nut!
14:46 - 15:06………All health plant based food options crossed out on fact sheet as not needed for cholesterol or weight lowering.
15:07 - 16:04………bread and popcorn allowances with issues
16:05 - 16:30………From panic to a food sheet based diet without any personal confidence
16:31 - 17:26………Meat and spread restrictions and avoidance regardless of cooking methods
17:27 - 20:11………U.C.L.P plan review based on their 10 years of research and why given this diet sheet
20:12 - 21:11………Decision to try the U.C.L.P plan to see if it works or continue with the PowerPlan?
21:12 - 23:45………History of cholesterol medication and a view of health correction if it all goes wrong
23:46 - 25:19………Scaremongering people into diet plans based on morbidity fears
25:20 - 25:45………Final review of the factsheet and my final initial view
25:46 - 27:21………Conclusion
27:22 - End   ………Final Credits